All plants ordered online are available for local pickup or at designated events only. We do not ship plants.
Spring pre-season orders can be picked up during the first three weeks in May. Pickup dates are chosen during order checkout.
Email reminders will be sent when your order is ready for pickup.
Orders will be packed and labeled by last name.
We will be available to answer questions and additional plants are available for sale during pickup hours.
We are able to schedule alternate pickup dates by request
Learn how your online orders help us manage inventory as a small, independent nursery
Tiny Meadow Farm
138 Long Ridge Rd., Danbury, CT 06810
Local delivery available with additional charge. Please contact us to discuss delivery options.
Our growing area is located 3 miles from our retail location. We do our best to keep an attractive and well-stocked retail area, but our retail bench space is limited and our inventory can change quickly, especially during spring and fall or when we fulfill large orders for projects. When customers order online for weekly pickup, it helps us better manage our inventory and ensures customers can get the plants they want during every visit. Plus it allows more time for strolling the garden if the weather is good, and allows for quick shopping if the weather is bad.