Phlox divaricata

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Phlox divaricata | woodland phlox

Woodland phlox, with its beautiful lavender-blue flowers, is an absolute delight in early spring. Naturally occurring in rich, open woodlands of New York and states south and west, this species prefers partial shade and moist soils. Spreads slowly over time, rooting where stems come in contact with bare soil, to form a loose groundcover. While relatively unbothered by deer, this species is, however, much loved by bunnies, so unfortunately it is not recommended for gardens or properties with active rabbits in residence.

QT. pot

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Phlox divaricata | woodland phlox

Woodland phlox, with its beautiful lavender-blue flowers, is an absolute delight in early spring. Naturally occurring in rich, open woodlands of New York and states south and west, this species prefers partial shade and moist soils. Spreads slowly over time, rooting where stems come in contact with bare soil, to form a loose groundcover. While relatively unbothered by deer, this species is, however, much loved by bunnies, so unfortunately it is not recommended for gardens or properties with active rabbits in residence.

QT. pot

Phlox divaricata | woodland phlox

Woodland phlox, with its beautiful lavender-blue flowers, is an absolute delight in early spring. Naturally occurring in rich, open woodlands of New York and states south and west, this species prefers partial shade and moist soils. Spreads slowly over time, rooting where stems come in contact with bare soil, to form a loose groundcover. While relatively unbothered by deer, this species is, however, much loved by bunnies, so unfortunately it is not recommended for gardens or properties with active rabbits in residence.

QT. pot


Height: 12”

Bloom Time: early to mid-spring


Light: part shade

Soil: medium-wet, average, medium-dry


Establishment: spreads slowly, eventually forming loose sprawling colonies

Deer Resistance: low to moderate


Pollinator Support: high; requires long-tongued insects for pollination


Native Range: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic, Southeast

Seed Propagated: no